Our philosophy is to never require our elephants to act in a behavior that is not natural to them. All unnatural behavior is forbidden on site. Ridding and bathing with elephants is not permitted. Visitors have the chance to only observe these beautiful animals in their natural environment in order not to disturb them.
A mahout is the elephant keeper. Each elephant has his own mahout. Their ancien profession is unknow in many countries. A know-how that has been handed down from generation to generation and taught from mahout’s early age. Usually, mahouts spend their whole life with the same elephant. They then remain bonded to each other throughout their lives developing a relationship like no other. This enables the mahout to recognize signs of illness and stress in their elephant.
Only the mahout can ride its own elephant whilst sitting on the back of its muscular neck. By riding his elephant, it allows the mahout to advance at the same speed than the elephant and to go into places in the forest where alone he could not go. This is even more the case during the rainy season. The weight’s weight is of course very light in comparison to what the elephant may support. That being said, we don’t allow anyone else beside the mahouts to ride their elephants, as allowing strangers to ride on elephants’ neck could create stress and distraught.
Elephants love water so much that they play and move around whilst bathing. To do this, no need to say they need space. As it is not natural for elephants to bath with unknown people by their side, it can cause stress and they need to receive the order from the mahout not to move which puts an end to all their fun.
The string has a bell attached to it. Elephants are very silent animals. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to hear their moves. If they do not have the bell around them, the mahout has much difficulty locating the elephant in the forest.
Elephants eat all night long and therefore need a different place to stay every night where food is sufficient. There is currently no other solution than to put them on a 50 meter-long chain during the night. Our elephants were born around humans and will seek for food that is familiar to them, such as corn and sugar cane fields. This could lead for them to stroll out on their protected area with the danger of being hit by a car, get electrocuted by fences, injure people and destroy crops in neighboring farms. This can often lead to a human/elephant conflict. This situation can become dangerous for the locals and for the elephants. Experts agreed that night chains do not negatively impact the psychological well-being of the elephants, as long as the chains are sufficiently long, and allow them to roam and eat in their natural habitat.
It is important to choose a place where elephants are allowed to just be elephants. If you do not feel convinced by a place, do not go!
For now, our logistics remain limited which only allows us to welcome long term volunteers (a few months). Contact us if you are interested and we may see how you could contribute to the park.
Through the contact form on the website. Please specify your dates, number of people and the name of the package you wish to book. Quick answers are given
In cash in Euros / Lao Kips / Thai Baht / US Dollars or via credit card (3% bank fee surcharge)
or any further questions, contact us at info@mekongelephantpark.com or through our Contact Form